Residential Interior Design

12 Common Interior Design Mistakes & How to Fix Them

Interior Design

Be it a home or any commercial property, getting your hands on an interior design project without a clear vision could lead to many design mistakes! And let’s be honest, we’ve all succumbed to design disasters, right? But you can rest all your worries, as there are practical ways by which you can fix those design mistakes and make your premises aesthetically pleasing. You only need a reliable interior decorator in Dubai, and we will discuss the design fix-up tips in the write-up. So, let’s get started! 

Terrible Interior Design Mistakes and Ways to Fix Them 

Here are the 12 interior design mistakes that plague us all and the quick fixes to turn those blunders into beautiful and functional spaces.

1. An Unclear Interior Design Plan 

Purchasing furnishings and décor items without an interior design consultation and trying to blend mismatched pieces are the most common design mistakes! Suppose you have invested in metal furnishings for your luxury restaurant interior design in Dubai but chose a rustic-themed design from the professional catalogue. Now you are trying to blend the industrial-styled furnishings in your rustic-themed restaurant and café; won’t it look odd? 

Therefore, hire professional interior designers from the start of the renovation project, not after buying the décor pieces. Your hired professional can guide you with the best furnishings and décor items that can blend with the interior design theme and create a design masterpiece. 

2. Wrong Color Contrast 

Whether you are working on a rental interior design in Dubai, any other commercial set-up, or your villa, the wrong choice of colour can create clashing chaos. Selecting colours that hardly complement each other is a big red flag in interior design. The mismatched colour contrast or wrong colour choice ruins the premises’ beauty and impacts the mood! 

According to colour psychology, bright red, purple, and grey shades can lead to a wrong sleeping pattern! On the other hand, soft yellow, blue, light orange, pink, cream, etc., can calm your mood and promote good sleep. 

Also, contrasting bubblegum pink walls with lime green décor elements or mixing up too many pallets for a single premise is a big ‘NO.’ The best you can do to fix the colour disorientation is to pay attention to colour psychology and do a swab test before painting your whole room. 

If the colour disaster is already made and you are still deciding whether to change the interior colour anytime soon, toning down the high colour contrast with neutral elements can be a temporary solution. This includes placing a neutral-coloured rug, introducing beige or grey-hued furnishings, or painting the trim white. But once again, discuss this with your professional designer to ensure no further design disaster. 

3. Mixing up too Many Interior Design Styles 

It’s too obvious to get influenced by interior design variants when you have to find inspiration. When you handle an interior design project independently without consulting a professional interior decorator in Dubai, encountering this hot mess is common.

Not to mention, 70/30 is the golden rule of blending different design variations in a single premise. You must merge 70% of one design with 30% of the other. For example, combining the modern glamour look with vintage elegance can work excellently if you plan for an entry and hallway design in Dubai

To be more precise, suppose you renovate the entrance and hallways of your residential property in a modern glamour style with high-gloss finishes, statement lighting, and metallic accents. You can complete the look with vintage art décors like geometric patterned flooring, jewel-toned colours, and lavish elements like velvet or marble.  

4. Overlooking Variety

Merging too many design elements is a wrong choice indeed! But not including design variety isn’t good either. LaA’s lack of patterns, textures, and elements can create a dull look that is not at all eye-catching. To add some spices to the interior décor, you can experiment with different design elements, like lavish curtain fabrics, textured walls, and patterned flooring. These can create a visual retreat!

5. Matching Every Design Element

As we mentioned earlier, matching everything looks monotonous, from curtains to cushions and bedding. Experimenting with colour, fabric, and accessories is crucial to breathing life into the interior design scheme. 

Hence, ensure all the décor items and furnishings you plan to install on your premises blend seamlessly. The best you can do is stick to 3 to 4 colours for your room that fit the theme. 

6. Embracing Fads and Short-Lived Design Trends

The interior design trends that are hot today might fade away tomorrow. So, when working on interior renovation, think of long-term benefits. Refurbishing the design of your residential or commercial property is no doubt a costly endeavour, and redoing it just because your chosen design theme is no longer in trend will be unfair. 

Here, we would like to highlight a small example. A few days back, botanical design elements were all over the internet and social media, and people were going ga-ga over them. Let’s be truthful: Would you like to see your laundry room interior design in Dubai covered in botanical patterns? Following the fads is okay, but they are short-lived. So, prefer choosing a design theme that will stay in the trend for the next 5 to 8 years.

7. Improper Planning of the Premise Layout 

What looks good is only sometimes functional. Imagine having a restaurant with eye-catching walls, floorings, and furnishings; everything is picture-perfect. But every time your staff members, customers, or even you move around, the pinky toe is the one to suffer! And it can create a wrong impression on your customers. Neglecting the foot traffic movement while planning the interior design still needs to be done!  

So, when planning the premise layout, pay attention to the room’s size and structure. Then, select the furniture and décor elements and their placements accordingly. Having a 3D design model from your interior decorator in Dubai beforehand can save you from a design disaster. 

8. Poor Lighting

Even if your commercial or residential space is spacious enough, it will look clustered without proper lighting. Lighting plays a crucial part in interior design, especially when the premises are compact and natural light flow is limited. 

Fixing lighting disasters is easy; you only need to focus on ambient, task, and accent lighting. Ambient lighting is the downlights that illuminate the premises. Task lighting includes the lampshades you install in the cooking or dining area, and accent lighting acts as a decorative feature, such as spotlights or chandeliers. 

9. Missing out on creating a Focal Point 

A focal point might make your restaurant, hallway, or living space look more organised. It would help if you created a central focus where eyes can rest and appreciate the beauty of the décor. 

When redesigning your open kitchen or living space, place a bold sofa or statement chair surrounded by an ornamental coffee table. Strategic contemporary light and one large yet minimal wall piece can create an inviting focal point. Since every premise and design element is different, consider having an interior design consultation before moving. 

10. Improper Curtain Size

Curtains are the most overlooked décor item yet the most important one. They give a final style statement to the overall theme. If your chosen curtains are too short, they make your room appear smaller and tacky. 

To create an illusion of space and height and make the premise appear spacious, pick a curtain length that touches the floor line and hang loosely for a more polished and luxurious look and feel. 

11. Placing Ill-fitted Furniture

Furniture too big or too small for your premises can wreak havoc on your interior design dreams. Wrong-sized furnishings can make your room congested, leading to an awkward mess. While large furniture overpowers a premises, smaller ones leave it looking empty. 

So, before putting your hard-earned money into buying a furniture piece, measure it twice and make sure it perfectly aligns with your premise. You should prioritise three aspects while choosing the furniture:

  • It should pass the doorway easily 
  • Does not interrupt the traffic flow 
  • Blends well with the theme and makes it feel comfortable

12. Neglecting the Vertical Space 

The vertical space of the premises gives you endless opportunities to create a stunning look that boasts sophistication and royalty. Missing out on these creates a void unsuitable for the eyes. 

In that case, walls can be your prime object to consider. Utilise it to install shelves, artwork, or hanging plants to add visual interest and functionality to your vertical space.

Wrapping Up

Hopefully, this guide has helped you pinpoint the design disasters and the correct ways to fix them. Before engaging with the interior design project, ask your appointed interior decorator in Dubai to show you a demo model of the final result. If it catches your attention, you are good to go! Also, while browsing ‘interior decorator near me,’ review their reviews and ratings to avoid dealing with design mistakes.  


About Amanda Dsouza

Amanda D'souza, CEO of Euphoria Interiors, blends her strong design sense with a warm, calm identity Originally from India, she grew up in the UAE and her completed her undergraduate degree in Interior Design, holding six years of experience the Dubai. Her inherent expertise and creativity flows down to her very team and eventually into every project the company onboards. Inspired by humans itself, culture and heritage, Amanda has a fine taste for handcrafted work and textural materials. She is an avid traveler that draws inspiration from her experience and exposure to diverse cultures. Being her passionate soul, Amanda soon came to relization ther her deeper sense of purpose is to giving back to the society though the expreince of creating aesthetic, conscious yet functional spaces to enhance ones every-day life expereince, which led to the start of her jounery with Euphoria.

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